My mission is to help you discover your path to abundant life using a personalized body, mind, and spirit approach to health and wellness.

The journey begins with your desire to understand your health potential and how your unique body-mind-spirit type influences your vitality and health. Together, you and I, design a step-by-step path that brings you optimal health and your most abundant life. 

A Note From Dr. Dawn

Health is something we often take for granted until we are sick. And once our health is restored, we are often not taught the root causes that created the illness in the first place or how to optimize our health over time. I have learned along the way, as a physician and as a patient, that our perspective on health needs to shift from a reactive to a proactive approach. 

My life calling is to empower you to create health rather than simply wait for disease to happen. Disease does not occur out of the blue. There are distinct stages we move along from complete health to cellular imbalances, then to early disease, followed by established disease. With guidance, you can restore and maintain complete health. It is never too late to start!

I also believe that we each have a unique body-mind-spirit type that can be aligned to create health. Understanding your specific type will empower you to make choices that create harmony in the cellular functions throughout your body. This is the key to a long and healthy life.

Health emerges when we live in a state of flow and rhythmic balance. It is not a static endpoint with a one-time solution. And I am devoted to helping you discover your own personalized, step-by-step path that brings optimal health and your most abundant life.

What is your most abundant life?



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Areas of Specialty


Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine is a holistic approach that combines the best of western and eastern healing practices. The patient is at the center of care and collaborates with their doctor in shared-decision making. 

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that assesses health potential using your unique body-mind-spirit type.  Ayurveda emphasizes daily and seasonal routines that support circadian alignment

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is a holistic approach that assesses cellular functions in the body to optimize metabolic efficiency and decrease cellular damage to prevent development of disease. 

Explore the programs of

Abundant Living

Abundant Living is a series of programs that provide transformative experiences to support self-reflection and spiritual growth. They bring opportunities to realign your daily and seasonal rhythms for inner peace, clarity, harmony, and wisdom.

Why I created Abundant Living Programs

  • The foundation for lifelong health and vitality begins long before our culture teaches us to see a doctor - even an integrative one!

  • My classes, retreats, and soundscapes help you reconnect with your daily and seasonal rhythms. For the first time, many people feel what it is like to live a life that balances their whole Self. This is what allows our inner healing system to thrive and promote lifelong health and wellness.

Get Started with Dr. Jacobson